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Getting to Know Margaret

wwd_staff_whoeverWhat’s your title?

Front Desk Coordinator/Maestro.

Where did you grow up? Go to school?

I grew up in Olympia Fields, IL, and graduated from Rich Central High School. I also attended Eastern Illinois University.

How and when did you get your start at West Willow Family Dental?

I started working with West Willow Family Dental about 13 years ago. I was out of the workforce for three years after the birth of my daughter and got myself back into it with this great job.

What made you want to work here?

When I walked through the door, it felt like home. The atmosphere here is warm and caring and I was drawn to that.

What do you do for WWD on a day-to-day basis?

I am the smiling face that greets you when you come in for an appointment, coordinates your treatments, schedules your appointments and takes care of your insurance needs. I try to make every visit to West Willow as stress-free as possible for patients. When I’m not doing this, I try to help make sure day-to-day business is running smoothly

What is your favorite part of the job?

The thing I enjoy the most is the interaction I get to have with patients. I am definitely a people person and love to talk to everyone!

What do you think WWD offers that other dental offices don’t?

One thing that makes West Willow stand out is that we treat patients as if they were members of our family. We will always give them 100 percent, whether that means sitting in the waiting room with a child while a patient is being treated or fighting the insurance companies for the last dollar they will give.

What are your hobbies when you aren’t working?

Reading, cooking and spending time with my daughter

Who are the members of your immediate family?

I am married with a beautiful daughter and two dogs. We have a lab named Roxie and a cocker spaniel named Simba.

Favorite TV shows? Music? Food? Vacation Spots?

I’m not a big TV-watcher, but I do really enjoy watching “Chopped” on the Food Network. I listen to a lot of music. Don’t laugh at me when you see me driving around town singing at the top of my lungs with the windows down. As far as food goes… well, I’m Italian. Enough said. My favorite vacation spot is the Canadian wilderness. It is breathtakingly beautiful.

What is a fun fact most people don’t know about you?

Before starting work at West Willow, I used to work in the “cage” for a primary dealer in government securities. I LOVED to slam securities at the close. My bond trader loved it too!

How do you like to treat patients who come in?

With kindness, compassion and respect. Like I said, we like treating patients who come in like members of our family.


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